Our online coaching program provides expert support to help you transform your life and overcome depression and anxiety.

If you are filled with limiting beliefs and are feeling lost on the way. I invite you to connect. I’m taking new clients. Book Course.

Coaching for Depression and Anxiety, where we provide comprehensive support and guidance to individuals who are facing the challenges of depression and anxiety. Our dedicated coach is here to help you navigate through these difficult times and empower you to regain control of your life. Through personalized online coaching sessions, we aim to provide you with the tools, strategies, and support needed to overcome depression and anxiety and achieve lasting emotional well-being.

  • What is coaching for depression and anxiety?

    Coaching for depression and anxiety is a specialized form of support that focuses on empowering individuals to manage and overcome their symptoms of depression and anxiety. Unlike therapy, which primarily explores the past and underlying causes, coaching is future-focused and aims to assist individuals in setting and achieving specific goals related to their mental health. It involves working with a trained coach who provides guidance, motivation, and practical strategies to help individuals build resilience, develop coping skills, and create positive changes in their lives.

  • How does online coaching for depression and anxiety work?

    Online coaching for depression and anxiety offers the convenience and flexibility of receiving support from the comfort of your own home. Through virtual sessions, you will connect with your coach via video calls or phone calls. During these sessions, your coach will listen attentively to your concerns, provide a non-judgmental space for you to express your emotions, and offer guidance and practical strategies to manage and overcome depression and anxiety. Your coach will collaborate with you to create a personalized plan tailored to your unique needs and goals.

  • What can I expect from coaching sessions and what are the benefits of coaching for depression and anxiety?

    In coaching sessions for depression and anxiety, you can expect a compassionate and supportive environment where your coach will help you explore your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. They will assist you in identifying and reframing negative thought patterns, developing effective coping mechanisms, and setting achievable goals to improve your mental well-being. The benefits of coaching for depression and anxiety include increased self-awareness, improved emotional regulation, enhanced coping skills, and the ability to create positive and sustainable changes in your life. Through ongoing support and guidance, you will gain the tools to better manage your symptoms, reduce stress, and enhance your overall mental health.

  • How long does it typically take to see results from coaching for depression and anxiety?

    The duration of coaching for depression and anxiety varies depending on individual circumstances and the severity of symptoms. While some individuals may experience positive changes within a few sessions, others may require more time and consistent effort to achieve their desired outcomes. It is important to note that coaching is a collaborative process, and your commitment and active participation in the coaching sessions and suggested exercises will greatly contribute to the speed and effectiveness of your progress. Your coach will work closely with you to establish a realistic timeline and provide ongoing support throughout your coaching journey.

How do you know if you need coaching for depression and anxiety?

If you are experiencing symptoms of depression and anxiety that are impacting your daily life, relationships, or overall well-being, coaching for depression and anxiety can be a valuable resource. Common signs that coaching may be beneficial include feelings of sadness, hopelessness, or constant worry, difficulty managing stress and emotions, challenges in setting and achieving goals, and a desire to develop effective coping strategies. If you are seeking support, guidance, and practical tools to navigate through these challenges, coaching for depression and anxiety can provide you with the assistance you need to overcome obstacles and improve your mental health.

In conclusion, Coaching for Depression and Anxiety offers a supportive and empowering approach to help individuals overcome the challenges of depression and anxiety. Through personalized online coaching sessions, individuals can expect to receive guidance, practical strategies, and ongoing support to manage their symptoms and achieve lasting emotional well-being. Whether you are experiencing mild or severe symptoms, coaching for depression and anxiety can provide you with the tools and resources necessary to regain control of your life and improve your mental health. The benefits of coaching for depression and anxiety are numerous. By working with a trained coach, you can expect:

  • Personalized support: Your coach will tailor their approach to meet your specific needs and circumstances. They will take the time to understand your unique challenges and develop strategies that resonate with you. This personalized support ensures that you receive guidance and techniques that are relevant to your situation.


  • Goal-oriented approach: Coaching for depression and anxiety focuses on setting and achieving specific goals. Your coach will help you identify areas of improvement and collaboratively create a plan to address them. By setting clear objectives and working towards them, you can experience a sense of progress and accomplishment.


  • Practical strategies: Our coach provides practical tools and techniques to help you manage symptoms of depression and anxiety. These strategies may include cognitive-behavioral techniques, mindfulness exercises, stress management techniques, and self-care practices. Your coach will equip you with these skills so that you can apply them in your daily life.


  • Accountability and motivation: One of the advantages of coaching is the accountability it provides. Your coach will hold you accountable for taking action toward your goals and maintaining consistency in implementing the strategies discussed. They will provide motivation and support to keep you focused and committed.


  • Emotional support: Dealing with depression and anxiety can be emotionally challenging. Your coach will provide a safe and non-judgmental space for you to express your feelings and concerns. They will listen actively, validate your experiences, and offer empathetic support throughout your coaching journey.


  • Long-term growth: The goal of coaching for depression and anxiety is not just short-term relief but also long-term growth and resilience. Your coach will help you develop the skills and mindset needed to navigate future challenges effectively. By addressing the root causes of your symptoms and building emotional resilience, you can experience lasting positive changes in your life.


Coaching for depression and anxiety is a confidential process. Your coach will ensure that your personal information and discussions remain private and secure. This confidentiality creates a safe space where you can openly express yourself without fear of judgment or disclosure.

If you are ready to take control of your mental health and overcome the challenges of depression and anxiety, coaching can be a powerful resource. It is important to reach out for support and guidance when you need it. A qualified coach can provide you with the tools, strategies, and support necessary to navigate through these difficult times and emerge stronger and more resilient.

Coaching for depression and anxiety offers a personalized, goal-oriented approach to help individuals manage their symptoms, develop coping strategies, and achieve lasting emotional well-being. By working with a trained coach, you can gain valuable insights, practical tools, and ongoing support to overcome the challenges of depression and anxiety. Take the first step towards a brighter future by seeking the guidance of a coach who can empower you to reclaim your life and thrive.

In 2011 I was diagnosed with complex PTSD and anxiety disorder. I’ve done a lot of work on trauma healing through self-help and counseling over the years. Life’s ups and downs often trigger deep, heavy emotions, and require attention and more in-depth acceptance of resources. The covid-19 pandemic has been a life-changing trigger that elevated my anxiety and ability to cope. I was lost, vulnerable, and didn’t know where to turn…. then a little over a year ago, I noticed a link on Facebook to Deanna’s group called Women from Trauma to Transformation. What a light bulb moment this was! I quickly asked to join the group and was accepted.I began to feel a heightened level of support and a safe place to share my thoughts, feelings, and positive affirmations. Then the more invested I became, I also felt vicarious trauma reading about what other women were facing and the heartbreaking experiences that were up close and personal to these women. I left the group and then Deanna reached out to me privately and we talked and I shared my feelings. The support and care she offered me restored my faith in my ability to move forward. Deanna is a genuine, caring, kind, incredibly strong, wise, and loving woman. She is resourceful and real and not afraid to embrace and acknowledge her fears or share her stories of trauma and healing. The connection that we have formed became a God Wink to me and I’m eternally grateful.

Most recently, Deanna invited me to a private group called Goddess Compass. Here, the members that joined were engaged and motivated to learn from Deanna’s teaching and coaching. This was an awesome experience. Participating in this group gave me a fresh perspective, an abundance of new resources such as meditation, reading recommendations, and validation that I am not alone. Each of the women who participated was welcoming and understanding. It’s pretty powerful to have a circle of women who accept and love each other unconditionally. Deanna offered empathy, understanding, and devotion to me and the other women. Healing is a journey and now I feel lighter and healthier and more able to acknowledge that I am a Goddess. Thank you Deanna for your influence in my life and the lives of many other women. You truly are amazing!

Sending love and light,


Our expert online coach is dedicated to helping you overcome your challenges and achieve your goals. Whether you're seeking Online Confidence Coaching, Online Relationship Coaching, Online Trauma Coaching, Online Love Coaching, Coaching For Depression And Anxiety, or Online Transformation Coaching, we've got you covered.

Don't let distance be a barrier to your success! I offer my online courses and coaching experience to clients all over the world.

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