Wisdom Wednesday: Carrying Mountains Gracefully

Wisdom Wednesday: Carrying Mountains Gracefully

Author: Deanna Hann |

If you feel that you are carrying a mountain and it’s weighing you down, remember you have everything you need within you to climb it with grace and gain wisdom from it as well. But remember, you’re not meant to carry it forever - whether it was a good or bad mountain.

Today is a new day to take our wisdom forward and leave our burdens behind. When we live this way, our burdens are lessened. It brings us a step closer to our happy place. But I know these are easily said than done. If you are struggling, it’s okay. Don’t be too hard on yourself. I am here to guide you in finding your Goddess Compass. It can light your way and provide you with an amazing navigation tool that will become your guiding mission. You will be in the happiest place in the universe.

I am here for you.

Good rising!

With love and light Deanna.

PS:  I am also excited to tell you that on Oct. 1 to 2, 2022 we will be having a Happy For No Reason Class. There's only limited seats available. You may register here.


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